Endodontics is a name given to a summary of procedures focused on maintaining function of a non-vital (dead) tooth in the mouth. It consists of a root canal treatment, treatment of the inside of a tooth. Long-term success of endodontic treatment is not only secured by a sufficient expansion and preparation of a root canal walls, thorough disinfection, but also by a hermetic root canal filling.
Endodontics performed with the microscope achieves much better results than the classic method. Especially on long-term mean. This is mainly due to a better visual control of each step of the doctor.
If there is deep decay present in the tooth, contamination and bacterial inflammation of the pulp often occur. With time, the infection penetrates into the whole root system. For patients with such root infection, the tooth represents a silo of bacteria, which can be disseminated to the entire body and cause disease in other organs.
This kind of inflammation is then called a dental focal infection. Therefore, these teeth should be thoroughly treated in terms of getting rid of all bacteria, proper preparation of root walls, disinfection and filling by a well sealing root canal filling.
Leaving such a tooth untreated would mean the infection would continue to spread to the adjacent bone, which could possibly lead to its resorption. The immune system reacts to long-term presence of bacteria and chronic irritation and tries to limit the pathological process, sometimes forming bone cysts.
Injuries are another indication for endodontic treatment. But only in case of damage, in which the pulp cavity was opened.
In some cases it is necessary to treat the root with a filling and only then continue in prosthetics.
Sometimes teeth lose their vitality due to prolonged irritation caused by a deep filling that extends too close to nerves. Therefore, teeth with deep fillings should be monitored regularly to their vitality should be detected frequently. If the tooth dies away, it is necessary to do the endodontic treatment.
The essence of endodontic treatment is to remove the inflamed or dead nerves and eliminate the bacteria present, or lower their count to a minimum. We can do this by careful preparation of root canal, followed by disinfection and root canal filling done by bio-tolerant hermetic filling. All steps are important and for their consistent implementation it is necessary to have a good optical zoom.
Non-vital tooth is no longer nourished and therefore is more fragile and prone to breakage. To avoid such unwanted complications, which in some cases can require an extraction, endodontically treated teeth should be first amplified by extension pins and finally covered with a crown. This ensures strength as well as aesthetics and long-term viability of the tooth.