Endodontické fakty:
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Dental Microscope ZEISS OPMI pico is our right hand in the treatment. It makes the invisible visible. Tooth structures, with which we work, reach the spans of about 0.5 mm or less and it is almost impossible to distinguish them without a sufficient magnification. For root canal treatment, it is a necessity, if we want to do the treatment under visual control. The success of treatment using the operating microscope is much higher than after normal treatment.
Fotosanom treatment technology is based on the LAD (light activated disinfection). It is a combination of red light and photosensitisers.
Fotosan produces intense red light of wavelength of 630 nm. Photosensitisers absorb light and take its energy in. This energy then breaks surrounding atmospheric oxygen creating two atoms and forming a reactive O-, which quickly and effectively kills microorganisms but also viruses, fungi and protozoa. This means the maximum possible disinfection of the root system and increases the long-term success of an endodontic treatment.
It is a flexible membrane that we use to isolate the teeth, which is being treated. By endodontic treatment it is most important because it prevents contamination of the root canal by bacteria in the mouth. In addition, creating a dry environment is needed for making high quality photo-composite (white) fillings. It also provides patient comfort, since he or she can normally swallow.
SAF represents new concept of endodontic treatment, because it consists of hollow, compressible and highly flexible file, which can adjust itself to walls of root canal. Using vertical movement it is shaping the root canal as a metal brush. The system also works with unique peristaltic irrigation pump, which suplies fresh irrigation solution during shaping of root canal. This combination of chemo-mechanical root canal cleaning and shaping offers nowadays highest possible level of quality of endodontic treatment.
Ni-Ti rotary instruments for mechanical preparation and root canal treatment. Due to its flexibility it can also be used to treat curved canals and the risk of breaks is low.
The device, which allows us to determine the length of root canal, which is needed when filling the root canal.
Thanks to apex locator, we don’t have to perform continuous X-ray image.
With a microscopic magnification, we are able to work with terminals designed for ultrasonic endodontic treatment and so we save dental tissues, which would otherwise be removed when using burs and wasted in large quantities.